State of matter : Solid, Liquid, Gaseous
Solids : Solid state is that state of matter in which constituent particles are bonded with strong force of attraction. Constituent particles (C.P.) of solids are closely packed. e.g. benches, bricks, books etc.
Properties of solids :
1.Definite shape, size and volume2.Compressibility law
3.Flexibility law
4.Diffusion law
5.High melting and boiling point
6.Conductor of heat and electricity.
Types of Solids: Crystalline solids, Amorphous solids.
Crystalline solids: They have regular arrangement of constituent particles for long range order. They are true solids. They have sharp melting points. They are anisotropic (Having different physical properties different directions) in nature. e.g. NaCl, Quartz etc.
Amorphous solids: They have regular arrangement of constituent particles for short range. They are pseudo solids or super cooled liquids. They do not have sharp melting points. They have a range of temp. They are isotropic (Having same physical properties) in nature. e.g. Rubber, Glass etc.