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Components of Food

Food is a group of edible substances which provide energy to the living things and repair dead tissues and build the new tissues.

Function of food:
It provides energy needed for various activities to be performed by us.
It controls various body functions
It is needed to grow and repair the worn out cells or tissues
It is required for protecting the body from diseases and keeping it fit and healthy.

Components of food:
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are easily digestable. They provide energy to our body so that we are able to perform activities. They provides energy to our body.
Proteins: Protein helps in building muscles and repair tissues, so it is also known as body-building foods.
Fats: Fats are also energy giving food. They provide more energy as compared to carbohydrates. Fats are also called secondary source of energy.
Vitamins: Vitamins are complex organic compounds called the protective foods, because they help in protecting our body against diseases. These are very essential for our body but are required in less quantity.
Minerals and Salts: Minerals perform important function such as strenghening of the bones and maintaining a normal heartbeat. For maintaing healthy bones and teeth, we require calcium and phosphorus. Some other minerals are magnesium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, fluorine, sodium, potassium etc.
Water: 70% of our body weight is made up of water. Water is present in body-cells. Water require 6-10 glasses of water everyday to keep ourselves healthy. It acts as solvent in which all chemical reaction take place.
Roughage/Fibre: It prevents constipation. It helps in digesting food.

A diet that contains all the essential nutrients in correct proportion required for our body is known as balanced diet.

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