Ques 2. It takes more time to cook rice at higher altitudes. Explain.
Ques 3. How does the value of rate constant vary with concentration of a reactant?
Ques 4. The rate law for the reaction:
$\ce{Ester + H^+ <=> acid + alcohol}$ is
\({dx}\over{dt}\) = \(k[Ester] [H^+] \)
What would be the effect on the rate if concentration of the ester is doubled?
Ques 5. The rate law for the reaction:
$\ce{Ester + H^+ <=> Acid + Alcohol }$ is
\({dx}\over{dt}\) = \(k[Ester] [H^+]^0 \)
Predict the effect on rate of reaction when:
(i) the concentration of \( H^+ \) ion is doubled
(ii) the concentration of easter is halved.
Ques 6. Instantaneous rate of reaction is preferred over average rate of reaction. Give reason.
Ques 7. Is there any reaction whose rate does not decrease with time?