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Representation of Sets

Representation of Sets

Sets can be represented in two ways, one is known as the Roster form and the other is famous as the Set-Builder form, these two forms can be used to represent the same data, just the style varies in both cases.

Roster Form

In Roster Form, the elements are within Curly braces { } and are separated by commas. The order of elements doesn't matter. Roster Form is also known as Tabulation Form. The roster form is the easiest way to represent a set.
For example, the set   A= {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35…..}.
Set of letters used in TOFFEE = {T, O, F, E}


The elements can not be repeated in the set in Roster form.

The order of elements does not matter.  In general, two sets are the same if and only if they have exactly the same members.
  For example, A= {5, 10, 15, 20} is equal to A= {20, 5, 10,15}.

Set-Builder Form

A statement or an expression represents all the elements of a set, in set-builder form. In order to write the set in Set- builder form, the data should follow certain statements.
After a colon (:), the statement is to be written.
A= {x: statements define elements}. 
For example, A = {x: x is factor of 8}

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